New? Come join us for Grow.

Session 1
Who You Are in Christ

Session 2
Who We Are as a Church

Session 3
Who We Are Together
Our GROW track is 3 sessions that are on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday nights every other month. We believe that your identity is so important in your walk with Christ and we want to help you to discover who you are in Christ and that you have a God given purpose that only God has designed you for with your unique gifts and talents.

Week 1 - Who you are in Christ
Understanding who you are in Christ is foundational to your walk with Christ. Without understanding who we are, we can never live out the purpose and life that the Lord has for us. During this session, we discuss what Jesus has done for us and how to live out our God given purpose.

Week 2 - Who we are as a church
Week 2 is full of understanding our history, values and ministries that we offer. You will hear the vision from Pastor Caleb and learn all about who we are at Remnant Church.